Hi girls,

Just to say I was very impressed by your who and what influences me articles! Keep up the good work. You will get a chance to revisit these and your all about me article, however, we are now moving on to the October challenge so check out the homework and class task on the main page of the site x


log onto the blog homework task

Ok girlies, I know we have been having problems logging onto the website at school, but..... we asked all of you if you had internet access at home and you said YES. So......no excuses..... you have to enter a blog comment before next Tuesday (5th Feb). By entering a blog comment I know that you have looked at the website and you have possibly shown to parents or carers.  So get yourself some homework points by logging on before next lesson  :o) x    
Hi girls, So...... What do you think if our web site so far??? How are you enjoying the girls magazine?? Remember its good to be honest, otherwise we can't  improve things for next year :0) ms v x